Electrolux Dito CSV11B Manuale Utente

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Vacuum Packers
Table top - inert gas
The new range of appliances, developed
for the vacuum packing of cooked and
raw foods, can provide the highest quality
and hygiene, in line with every
professional kitchen that requires the best
conservation standards. The range
consists of 5 models. All of them can
satisfy the requirements of users at all
levels: from small/medium sized
restaurants to canteens, catering
concerns (100 to 400 covers a day),
speciality food manufacturers and large
butcher's. The 2 models, detailed on this
sheet, are the ones prearranged for inert
V Digital control panel that allows the
programming and storing up to 9
operating programmes guaranteeing
optimised vacuum pressure and heat
seal times for any type of product.
V Microprocessor control guarantees
that the appropriate percentage of
negative pressure is achieved by
automatically calculating vacuum pump
operating and shut-off times and heat
seal times from the quantity of air to be
V Maximum reliability guaranteed by a
warning light that indicates any
malfunctioning in the vacuum packing
process and stopping it before the
products are heat sealed, thus allowing
them to be reused.
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Pagina 1 - Vacuum Packers

ItemModelProjectNameVacuum Packers600015Table top - inert gasThe new range of appliances, developed for the vacuum packing of cooked and raw foods, ca

Pagina 2 - Optional accessories

SpecificationsMODELCSV11B600015CSV21B600016Pump - m3/h 10 20External dimensions - mm width 390 550 depth 610 600 height 330 476Chamber dimens

Pagina 3

ANAC010www.dito-electrolux.comVacuum PackersThe manufacturer reserves the right to modify and make improvements to the products withoutgiving prior wa

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