Electrolux Dito 603036 Manuale Utente

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Food Processors
The K35 is a simple and robust
cutter which allows all types of
liquidising, mixing and mincing to
be performed in a matter of
seconds, avoiding heating and
alteration of the products.
V The speed of rotation allows all sorts
of preparations to be carried out in a
matter of seconds:
- Mincing meats (tartare, sausage
meat, pâtés, stuffing, mousses, etc.)
- Chopping condiments (parsley, garlic,
onions, shallots, spices, etc.).
- Preparation of mayonnaise, mashes,
flavoured butters, purées, compotes,
- Liquidising frozen foodstuffs, fish
soups with shellfish, etc.
- Preparation of all types of pastry.
- Pastrywork (almond paste, sugared
almonds, half and half, etc.).
V The 18/8 stainless steel bowl is
positioned on the central shaft. The
bowl is supplied complete with a leak
resistant spout.
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Pagina 1 - Food Processors

ItemModelProjectNameFood Processors601156K35The K35 is a simple and robust cutter which allows all types of liquidising, mixing and mincing to be perf

Pagina 2 - Optional accessories

SpecificationsMODELK353601190K35601156K35235603036External dimensions - mm width 247 247 247 depth 407 407 407 height 303 303 303Chopping cap

Pagina 3 - Installation drawings

Installation drawingsXXXI - Electrical connection 380...415 V, 3, 50 220...240 V, 1N,50230 V, 3, 50MODELK353601190K35601156K35235603036601190, 603036

Pagina 4

ABB010www.dito-electrolux.comFood ProcessorsThe manufacturer reserves the right to modify and make improvements to the products withoutgiving prior wa

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