Electrolux K45VV 603319 Manuale Utente

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Food Processors
The K45 food processor is a powerful,
table-mounted cutter that is indispensable
to any catering professional who seeks a
wide range of options in preparation. Its
4.5 litre capacity makes it possible to
perform a vast number of tasks, from
simply mincing meat, to creating
elaborate: mousses, stuffings, creams,
pastries, etc. The cutter offers many
advantages, including the ability to
liquidize and to mix and add products in
midcycle. The range consists of models
that are 1, 2 or variable speed. The
capacities of the K45 make it a perfect
complement for kitchens of any size.
V Powerful induction motor built on ball
bearings for silent process.
V Flat and waterproof control panel with easy to
use functions.
V Special pulse function for precise cutting.
V High chimney increases the real capacity of
the bowl (up to 75% of nominal capacity).
V Ergonomic handle allows the bowl to be
placed on the base with ease and the
self-locking feature assures maximum stability.
V Stainless steel cutter bowl guarantees hygiene
and food safety.
V The speed of rotation allows all sorts of
preparations to be carried out in a matter of
- Mincing meats (tartare, sausage meat, pâtés,
stuffing, mousses, etc.).
- Chopping condiments (parsley, garlic, onions,
shallots, spices, etc.).
- Preparation of mayonnaise, mashes, flavoured
butters, purées, compotes, etc.
- Liquidizing frozen foodstuffs, fish soups with
shellfish, etc.
- Preparation of all types of pastry doughs.
- Pastrywork (almond paste, sugared almonds,
half and half, etc.).
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Pagina 1 - Food Processors

ItemModelProjectNameFood Processors603319K45 The K45 food processor is a powerful, table-mounted cutter that is indispensable to any catering profess

Pagina 2 - Specifications

SpecificationsMODELK451V603315K452V603316K45VV603319K451V6603494External dimensions - mm width 256 256 256 256 depth 415 415 415 415 height 4

Pagina 3 - Optional accessories

Included accessoriesCODE DESCRIPTIONK451V603315K452V603316K45VV603319K451V6603494653589 4.5 LITRE S/S BOWL FORCUTTER-MIXER1 1 1 1653588 LID+BOWL SCRAP

Pagina 4

ABC010www.dito-electrolux.comFood ProcessorsThe manufacturer reserves the right to modify and make improvements to the products withoutgiving prior wa

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