Electrolux ESF235KING Manuale Utente

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Pagina 2 - Contents

- 10 -DamagesIf the dishwasher has been damaged during transport,you should immediately notify the company responsiblefor delivering it.Check that the

Pagina 3 - Safety information

PositioningIn its standard version the machine is intended for instal-lation on a kitchen sink or worktop. To function properlythe machine must be ful

Pagina 5 - Controls and programme table

- 2 -ContentsFor the UserSafety information 3Description of the appliance 4- Rinse conditioner dispenser- Spray arm- Coarse strainer- Fine filter- De

Pagina 6 - How to load the dishes

Installation and servicing● Installation must be carried out by persons with the necessary knowledge and experience of water and drainage connections

Pagina 7 - Using the appliance

- 4 -Rinse conditioner dispenser (1)Use of a rinse conditioner will result in cleaner and fasterdrying of the load, since it helps water and soil to r

Pagina 8 - In the event of a fault

- 5 -Controls and programme table1231 Temperature selector55° - Button in65° - Button out2 Selector knobTo start the machine:- Turn the selector knob

Pagina 9 - Installation instructions

How to load the dishesThe illustration shows the machine loaded with five stan-dard place settings. Your own dishes are not likely to beidentical to t

Pagina 10 - Unpacking

- 7 -1. Scrape or rinse off solid food remnants.2. Load the dishwasher. See "LOADING".Fill up the rinse conditioner dispenser. Put the corre

Pagina 11 - Installation

- 8 -In the event of a faultTrouble shooting listNever attempt to repair the dishwasher yourself.Repairs carried our by unauthorised or inexperiencedp

Pagina 12

- 9 -Technical specificationsService and spare partsServicing and repairs must be carried out by a servicecompany authorized by the supplier. Use only

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