Electrolux Z 1516 Manuale Utente

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Electrolux JANITOR
Model Z1516
GB Instructions for use
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Pagina 1 - Electrolux JANITOR

1Electrolux JANITORDRY VACUUM CLEANERModel Z1516GB Instructions for use

Pagina 2 - Fully Assembled

2Package ContentsFully Assembled 917141016157111213151920181011716912345861 = Tank2 = Hose Fitting3 = ON/OFF Switch4 = Carrying handle5 = Suction Hose

Pagina 3 - Assembling the Unit

3Assembling the Unit78132 mm11795251221.2.1920A EFGBCD


4Dear Customer,We thank you for the confidence you haveplaced in us and our products. You have madean excellent choice, since your Electrolux JANITOR

Pagina 5 - Disposing of the Unit

5Unpacking the Unit• Unpack the unit and check that all items thatshould be included are present. Immediatelynotify your dealer or our Customer Servi

Pagina 6 - Customer Service

6TroubleshootingIf your unit is inoperative or malfunctioning,there may be no need to consult our CustomerService department, since many common proble

Pagina 7 - CE Declaration of Conformity

7CE Declaration of Conformity We declare upon our sole liability that this productconforms to the following norms or norm documents.EC low voltage gui

Pagina 8 - Teile-Nr. 185 425

We reserve the right of technical modificationswithout prior notice. GA 09/01Teile-Nr. 185 425

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