Electrolux Washer W4350X Manuale Utente

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W4280X W4350X W4600X
28/62 35/77 60/135
280 350 600
830 920 980
805 650 630
300 220 220
- 25 40.8
x x x
x x x
** 49 ** 45 **
308/- 313/62 375/- 598/105 703/-
0.35/- 0.5/2.4 0.5/- 2.1/5.4 2.1/-
7.3 - 9.5 - 16
Washer extractors
W4280X, W4350X, W4600X
Features and benefits
Clarus Control
Fully programmable microprocessor
All relevant wash parameters can be programmed
Programming from key pad or downloading via memory card
AS – Automatic Savings:
The machine weighs the linen and adjusts the amount of water
and energy according to the load. This leads to considerable
savings in case the machine is not fully loaded
Large door opening for easy loading/unloading
Super Balance, software ensure a quick
distribution/extraction cycle with low noise/vibration level
Frequency controlled motor
Prepared for manual or automatic detergent supply
Stainless steel in all vital parts for high degree of rust protection
Stainless steel front panels and powder painted side panels
Non-heated or direct steam heating
Electrical heating (only W4350X, W4600X)
Main options
Stainless steel panels
Coin-meter (only W4280X, W4350X)
Five compartment supply injector (only W4600X)
Third water inlet valve (only W4600X)
Certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and approved IP 24D.
Main specifications
Rated capacity, filling factor 1:10 kg/lb
Drum, volume litre
diameter ø mm
Extraction max rpm
Heating alternatives, 230/400V electricity kW
Consumption data ”Normal 60°C” 1:10*
Total time min
Water consumption (cold/hot) litre
Energy consumption (motor/heating) kWh
Steam consumption kg
Steam El Steam El Steam
* Water temperature 15°C cold water and 65°C hot water.
** Depending on steam pressure.
Images shown are a representation of the product only and
variations may occur.
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Pagina 1 - Washer extractors

PROFESSIONAL LAUNDRY W4280X W4350X W4600X 28/62 35/77 60/135 280 350 600 830 920 980 805 650 630 300 220 220 - 25 40.8 x

Pagina 2

A1CD674532BE6746MLI61110HK6747459G7FO8NAR21CD675032AIML5410HK6749NO8F7G96BE2AP6748Share more of our thinking at www.electrolux.com W4280X W4350X W4

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