Electrolux Dito 601151 Manuale Utente

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Project Name
Vegetable slicers
The potato chipper is designed to
satisfy the requirements of
restaurants, collective kitchens and
food industries who need to cut a
large quantity of chips in a short
V Body and drum are corrosion
V The hopper and cutter block are
made of stainless steel.
V Drum and block are easy to remove.
V The hopper has a safety plate which
allows potatoes to pass but not the
hand of an operator.
V The machine will stop immediately if
the hopper is opened during operation
or if the cutter block is not properly
V The automatic feed is ideal for use in
large catering kitchens and specialised
chip production industries..
V The approximate output for 12 mm
chips is approximately 25 Kg/min.
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Pagina 1 - Vegetable slicers

ItemModelProject NameVegetable slicers601229POTATO CHIPPER RC14 The potato chipper is designed to satisfy the requirements of restaurants, collect

Pagina 2 - Optional accessories

SpecificationsMODELRC143601151RC14601229External dimensions - mm width 360 360 depth 670 670 height 560 560Cutting capacity - kg/h chips 1

Pagina 3

AAAH010www.dito-electrolux.comVegetable slicersThe manufacturer reserves the right to modify and make improvements to the products withoutgiving prior

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