Electrolux XBEF20ST Manuale Utente

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Planetary mixers
XBE20 Table Model
The XBE20 is an essential item in
all kitchens where recipes are
prepared using fresh ingredients:
preparation of pastry bases,
creams, mousses, various sauces
or mixtures.
V This planetary mixer can knead
all types of doughs and pastries,
mix semi-liquids, emulsions and
various sauces.
V Stainless steel safety guard.
V Electronic speed variation
provides flexibility in the
regulations and very precise
settings of the parameter.
V Touch button control panel
improves the ergonomics and the
reliability against the humidity or
water jets.
V Control panel equipped with
0-59 minute timer.
V Choice of speeds.
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Pagina 1 - Planetary mixers

ItemModelProjectNamePlanetary mixers601854XBE20 Table Model The XBE20 is an essential item in all kitchens where recipes are prepared using fresh ingr

Pagina 2 - Specifications

SpecificationsMODELXBEF20ST601849XBEF20AST601854Bowl Capacity lt 20 20External dimensions - mm width 521 521 depth 685 685 height 980 980Work

Pagina 3 - Optional accessories

Included accessoriesCODE DESCRIPTIONXBEF20ST601849XBEF20AST601854653426 BOWL FOR 20LT MIXER 1 1653114 DOUGH HOOK FOR 20LT MIXER 1 1653116 PADDLE FOR 2

Pagina 4

ADBE010www.dito-electrolux.comPlanetary mixersThe manufacturer reserves the right to modify and make improvements to the products withoutgiving prior

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