Electrolux Dito 603340 Manuale Utente

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601792+filter table
The T10E vegetable peelers can be
considered basic equipment for
vegetable preparation. The peeling
process is key to guarantee good
preservation and high hygiene
throughout the food preparation
cycle. These models are designed
for abrasive peeling; for different
peeling functions, the proper plates
are available as optional
V The special abrasive material that covers the
removable rotating plate guarantees a high
quality finish to the peeled vegetables, with little
waste. Codes 603339 and 603340 also have the
abrasive material inside the cylinder.
V The level of noise produced by the units is
very low and the peels are reduced to small
pieces to facilitate the drainage process.
V These peelers can also be used for drying
vegetables or peeling onions or garlic.
V The safety and reliability of this appliance is
guaranteed by its complete stainless steel
construction and by a series of devices which
safeguard the operator and the functioning of the
V The machine is constructed in stainless steel
and has a transparent lid which is made of a
special, damage-resistant plastic material which
allows complete visibility of the peeling cycle.
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Pagina 1 - ProjectName

ItemModelProjectNamePeelers601792+filter tableT10E The T10E vegetable peelers can be considered basic equipment for vegetable preparation. The peeling

Pagina 2 - Specifications

SpecificationsMODELT10E1601792T10E324601805T10EK324601834T10E1C603339T10E324C603340Capacity - kg 10 10 10 10 10External dimensions - mm width 440 4

Pagina 3 - Optional accessories

Included accessoriesCODE DESCRIPTIONT10E1601792T10E324601805T10EK324601834T10E1C603339T10E324C603340653203 ABRASIVE PLATE FOR 10/15KG VEG.PEELER 1 1 1

Pagina 4 - Installation drawings

AFAC010www.dito-electrolux.comPeelersThe manufacturer reserves the right to modify and make improvements to the products withoutgiving prior warning.

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